4- Tips to Minimize Screen- time for kids


It’s no secret that nowadays children and screens are inseparable. No matter where you go, you’ll see children engaged on their phones, laptops, tabs and TVs and it makes you wonder: how much screen time is safe for my kids?

You see, most of the mental development occurs in the first few years of life. Allowing children excess use of screens causes major problems in cognitive and social development. That’s because children learn by engaging their senses and screen time often fails to provide that opportunity.

In this regard, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has issued the following recommendations:

· No screen time for kids under 18 months of age except video calling with family. Children in this age learn through physical activity, which is why they should be provided maximum opportunities for that.

· For children aged 18–24 months, parents can introduce high-quality screen time that supplements the child’s learning. It’s important that parents watch this screen time with their children and gear it towards learning and brain development.

· From 2–5 years, children should be allowed an hour of media use every day. Parental supervision at this time remains vital.

· From the age of 6 and onwards, parents should enforce a reasonable daily limit for screen time. It’s also useful to create media-free zones and times in the house.

You might have noticed that after 6 years of age, the AAP doesn’t recommend a specific daily screen time limit. That’s because every child is different and what works for one may not work for the other. As a parent, you should ensure that your child’s screen time isn’t coming in the way of homework, physical activity and real-life interactions. As long as that’s not an issue, it’s okay to let your child have a reasonable amount of screen time.

Excessive screen time can cause lots of behavioral and medical problems in kids. To start with, children under the age of 2 can have problems in cognitive development while older ones can show behavioral signs of distress and short temperament. Research has even linked depression in teenagers to excess screen time.

Child obesity may also occur as a result of excessive screen time if it hinders physical activity. It’s your responsibility as the parent to encourage physical play and sports over video games, TV and social media. Engage your child in a healthy activity, starting a martial arts class for kids is a great option, your child will learn respect and discipline and you will notice positive behavioral changes in 3-months, Parents in Islamabad can opt for SK Martial Arts Academy and Fitness Center located at DHA-2, Click here to connect with the coach. 
